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Dimpled, low profile design and rubberized texture allow for better traction and enhanced walkability
Independent 3 axis adjustability to optimize fit and enhance performance through better biomechanics on the bike
Up to 14mm of fore/aft (forward & back movement) adjustability to lock the cleat base plate into place on the bottom side of the shoe
With the left/right adjustment you can further dial in your cleat placement. The cleat spring housing plat allows for up to 8mm of side to side flexibility
1 - 15 degrees of micro-adjustable free float to dial in the perfect amount of movement
Choose Easy Tension Version: Easy action spring mechanism for a simpler pedal engagement experience for those smaller or more novice riders
Choose Standard Tension Version: Make every effort count with the standard tension road cleat. This integrated system delivers the power and engagement required to take on everything from steep climbs to all out racing
In the Box: Cleat Assembly, Screw Packet, Quick Start Guide, Important Product Information Guide